AGM, Nov 6, 7.30 Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal

29.10.15 04:00 PM

This year’s AGM, at 7:30pm at the Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal, will follow the highly successful format of last year’s event which was combined with a social evening. 

The formalities are only expected to take about half an hour.The rest of the evening will be a social event and include a slide show to celebrate last season’s days on the fells - plus the excellent work behind the scenes. We will also have a Q&A session about the club and its 79-year history – plus a free drink and nibbles.

Please email or provide a link for pics you’d like to be included in the show to Mike Sweeney. Files should be 200kb or bigger. Proceedings will start at 7.30 for 8pm at the Warehouse Cafe in the Brewery Arts Centre, 122A Highgate, Kendal, LA9 4HE. Before the meeting we will circulate to members the agenda, nominations for the committee and the accounts. If there are any agenda items, please email secretary John Burrows (preferably with a proposer and seconder) by the end of Oct. 

Note that attendees must be club members for the 2015/16 season to vote at the meeting. Membership starts on October 1 each year and you can sign up here in time for the evening. 

Paul Goodwin