Another work party done and dusted, 10 members in total, plus dogs. Weather wasn't quite as advertised with sleety showers and blustery, chilly winds, interspersed with very momentary sunny spells.
We dug a trench to run a drainage hose from the Powder Room to solve the problem of the pipes silting up. Water for the flushing toilet comes from the bog further up the hill, and the supply has normally been turned when it's not being use, which has led to silt blocking up the system. The new pipe will allow the water feed to run continuously, via a bypass when it's not being used, hopefully solving the problem. All of the hangers have now been modified, with bolts replacing the pins that had been failing and, as the hangers cost over £500 each, hopefully this will solve the problem of failure.
A bit more repair work was done on the fences and Stuart greased all the pulleys on the pylons, noticing a dodgy bearing on one of the pulleys on pylon 5. A reasonably simple job of replacing a couple of bearings should see it installed at October's work party. Some more groundwork was done for the new webcam that's due to be installed on pylon 5 ready for the 2013-14 season. This should give a good view down on the bottom two thirds of the pistes, as well as Ullswater and the surrounding hills.