Twenty one members made it up to Raise for the second Work Party of the Summer season. The eight earliest arrivals wore the broadest shoulders as they set off up the hill with the 1,000 litre bunded fuel tank. Hats off to them as it was heavier than it looked. The tank is now in, and features an electric pump, which means that fuel won't have to be pumped in by hand any more. The old tank was in decent enough condition and diesel is pretty inert stuff, but the new tank provides an extra layer of protection to prevent the fuel leaking out in the event of an accident.
We've cleared out all of the old skis that weren't used last season and these have been taken down for temporary storage. Any that aren't claimed by the end of the Summer will be disposed of.
More work was done on the pylons, clearing off the rust and repainting with a galvanising type paint, whilst new cables are being installed along the snow fencing and a new method of tying it all up - more work to be done on this though! Greasing and general maintenance was performed on the hangers in preparation for refitting in the Autumn.
The wind turbine for the new webcams failed last Winter, so it went back for refurbishment and it's now up on pylon 4 and wired in to the battery/charging system. Regulator just needs testing/fixing and webcams mounting and we should be good to go.
Next month will feature more work on the fences, a possible fuel carry and, of course, more work on the pylons.