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LDSC AGM - Business then fun!14th November 7.30pm

By Paul Goodwin

LDSC AGM - Business then fun!14th November 7.30pm

Annual general meetings are often dry occasions, so to liven things up this year the Ski Club AGM will also be a social evening. The formalities are only expected to take about half an hour.

The rest of the evening will include a slide/film show to celebrate last season’s sliding plus the work behin...

25.10.14 07:05 PM - Comment(s)

Mad dogs and Englishmen

By Paul Goodwin

Mad dogs and Englishmen

13 members braved the rubbish weather of Sunday the 3rd August for the third work party of the season and got a whole bunch of stuff done.

Last month, 800 litres of diesel and the new electric motor was airlifted up to Raise by helicopter. First job was to roll the 200 litre drums up to the tow hut s...

03.08.14 08:41 PM - Comment(s)

Another one in the bag

By Paul Goodwin

Another one in the bag

Twenty one members made it up to Raise for the second Work Party of the Summer season. The eight earliest arrivals wore the broadest shoulders as they set off up the hill with the 1,000 litre bunded fuel tank. Hats off to them as it was heavier than it looked. The tank is now in, and features an ele...

13.07.14 08:33 PM - Comment(s)

Earning our turns

By Paul Goodwin

Earning our turns

I counted 22 of us today, earning our turns on the club's first work party of the season. Tow hut cleared out and prepared for the new bunded tank, three pylons prepared for painting and one painted, more work on the new webcams, preliminary work on the fences, hangers all taken down and a new elect...

01.06.14 08:31 PM - Comment(s)

Emergency Work Meet - Saturday 29th March

By Paul Goodwin

Emergency Work Meet - Saturday 29th March

We've had a mechanical and the cable is off the bull wheel at the top of the tow. Until we get this fixed nothing's happening. We will need to tie the cable off at pylon 5, drop the bullwheel forward and get the cable back on before re-tensioning. It's a few hours work and we're going to need plenty...

27.03.14 09:45 AM - Comment(s)